Family and Consumer Sciences
K-State Research and Extension is a leader in providing research-based information and education for creating strong, healthy Kansas communities. We strive to improve family relationships, develop consumer and financial management skills and help Kansans balance the demands of work, family and community. Through our programs, classes, publications, newsletters, columns and much more, our agents provide you knowledge for life.
What Our Name Means
Family is the focus of our work. We provide non-formal education to family members or those persons who teach and support families. We assist community members, agencies, business and other organizations in understanding how their practices and policies affect families.
Consumer refers to the important decision-making role of choosing products and services that support the needs and values of the family. Decisions are made with information from a variety of sources, on of which is the Cooperative Extension Service.
Sciences reflects the fact that our program uses the physical, social and behavioral sciences to provide non-formal education in support of families.
Happier and Healthier Homes and Families
K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing Knowledge for Life to make our homes and families happier and healthier. Here's just some of the topics we can help with:
And, our home energy and beautification can make your home-sweet-home even sweeter.
Personal Relationships
Personal relationships take hard work. They don't just happen; they require attention. A relationship can become stronger and more satisfying by focusing on your friendship with the other person and learning how to manage your differences. K-State Research and Extension's Families website offers tips and advice to strengthen families (and specifically, step-families), couples, and other relationships.

Qualities of Strong Families
- Appreciation & Affection
- Commitment
- Positive Communication
- Enjoyable Time Together
- Spiritual Well-Being
- Manages Stress & Crisis Effectively
Around the Home
FCS Essential Living Skills:
- Healthy Relationships
- Healthy Living Choices
- Financial Well Being
- Strong Leaders
- Strong Communities