Wheat Plot Tour

This year's Wheat Plot Tour occurred May 15, 2018.

Ford County Wheat Plot

wheat plot sign 2015One of the most important considerations in picking a wheat variety to plant is how it compares for actual performance at different locations and in different years. With this in mind, Ford County K-State Research & Extension established a wheat variety demonstration plot in cooperation with local farmers and agribusinesses to display noteworthy wheat varieties in Ford County. The plot is used for observations by farmers throughout the year and as a focal point for plot tours.

This year's plot is located on U. S. Highway 50 across from Koch Nitrogen Plant, at the corner of U.S. Highway 50 and 116 Road.

Wheat Plot Tour

Wheat variety selection can make the difference between profit and loss, so it deserves careful attention each year. It takes considerable effort, careful study, and good judgment to make intelligent choices with all of the information currently available to wheat producers.

The Ford County K-State Research and Extension Wheat Plot adds newly released varieties on a regular basis, as well as typical varieties used in fields across Kansas. This plot tour allows producers to take an upclose look at some of the noteworthy wheat varieties currently available. It demonstrates how the varieties look, which area of the state they are best adapted for and their strengths and weaknesses. Several varieties are planted in order to hedge against some of the unpredictable weather and pest problems.

K-State Research and Extension specialists are invited to discuss various varieties, water issues and insect/pest problems facing this year's crop. They typically present information on variety strengths (e.g. yield potential, pest resistance, or strong straw); as well as field problems (e.g. soilborne mosaic, Hessian fly infestation or lodging), to ensure producers have the best possible data to protect their wheat crop against hazards while maintaining high yields.

Planting Date

October 17, 2017


April 7, 2017


Sterling Blue

2018 Varieties

WestBred 4462


SY Monument

SY Grit


AM Eastwood

Antero (white wheat)




Joe (white wheat)

Publications from Plot Tour

Identifying and Managing Wheat Rusts

Evaluating the Need for Wheat Foliar Fungicides

Sugarcane Aphid in Sorghum


DCCC Tech School Logo

Dodge City Community College Technical School

Plot Sponsors


Ford County K-State Research & Extension

DCCC Tech School Logo

Dodge City Community College

Kansas Wheat Alliance logo

Kansas Wheat Alliance